If you build it, they will come. It's True! Visiting the Field of Dreams Movie Site in Iowa! | Kids Out and About Research Triangle

If you build it, they will come. It's True! Visiting the Field of Dreams Movie Site in Iowa!

By Meg Brunson

Growing up, my dad managed the local movie theater and was the biggest movie buff I knew. I was raised roaming the halls of the “Cine 8” on a steady diet of unbuttered popcorn (see, it wasn’t ALL great). I don’t remember Field of Dreams in the theaters… I was only 5 or 6 then… but it was one of those classic films that was loved by my mom and dad. When I learned that the Field of Dreams was a real place we could visit in Iowa – there were no hesitations. As soon as we were in driving distance for a day trip – we went.

Admission to the grounds is free, though they do request a $20 donation – a nod to the movie. When we arrived, there was a couple playing on the field, pitching and batting and running the bases. We walked into the outfield to experience the corn. I am sure that sounds like a silly thing, but I really wanted to walk into the corn – turn around – and see the field like Shoeless Joe Jackson.

I should mention, we watched the movie with the kids the night before we visited, and they all loved it – which was actually a surprise because its rare all 4 of my kids agree on anything! But if you've not seen the movie you can also catch it playing in the gift shop on loop! Granted, you'd have to time it perfectly if you wanted to see the whole thing! The kids got a kick out of sitting on the bleachers where Karen had fallen – and being really careful not to fall themselves!

The couple on the field recognized we were waiting and graciously gave us a turn. We brought 2 gloves and a ball, but also noticed there were balls, mitts, and bats near the field – I assume these were just available for anyone, but we opted to just stick to the equipment we brought. My husband (who is more of a baseball fan than a movie fan – and loves The Field of Dreams) joyfully played catch with each of the kids, then everyone took a run around the bases before we passed the field on to the next waiting family. We didn’t feel rushed at all, which was amazing.

The house is open for tours (for a fee) but we opted not to do that. We visited during the coronavirus pandemic and had our dog with us (no dogs inside) and so it just didn’t make sense. There was a snack bar and a gift shop with some great souvenirs.

Tips for a Magical Experience: 

  • Time of year – the corn is real and will look differently depending on when you visit. In late August it was perfectly tall and green. I don’t think it would have had the same impact if the corn was growing or brown.
  • Food and snacks – they do have a snack bar where you can get peanuts, popcorn, and cracker jacks. There is also water, soda, and alcoholic beverages. If you want a meal, you’ll want to pack a picnic lunch.
  • Construction Plans – they recently built a MLB field next door and I felt a little disappointed because you could see the bigger stadium and lights in the distance and felt that it took away from feeling like you were just in the middle of corn fields. Over the coming years, they have plans to develop the area further – adding many more fields, and even a hotel and RV park. I am sure it’ll be well done and I’ll likely want to go again once it’s complete, but I am still really glad I experienced it before all that growth – when it still feels like a hidden gem!

Start planning your trip to the Field of Dreams at: https://www.fieldofdreamsmoviesite.com/

Read about some of the other adventures we're having on our  Indefinite Road Trip!

© 2020 Meg Brunson

All opinions expressed are my own. See more on Instagram!

Meg is a mommy blogger, Facebook marketer, and much more. She is a mom to four kids who live full-time in an RV exploring the US! As a former Facebook employee, Meg remains a Facebook addict and handles KidsOutAndAbout.com's Social Media Marketing in addition to providing freelance services for other small businesses on how to best leverage Facebook as a part of their marketing strategy. Meg also hosts the FamilyPreneur Podcast, a podcast for parent entrepreneurs raising entrepreneurial children. Learn more about Meg at MegBrunson.com!
